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animals & giraffes

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 evelyn davis, phillip greenlief, claudia la rocco, aurora josephson, john shiurba

@outsound new music summit - august 2017   photo: peter b. kaars

phillip greenlief - tenor saxophone, Bb clarinet

claudia la rocco - voice, text

with rotating multi-disciplinary collaborators


phillip greenlief and claudia la rocco met during an artist residency at headlands center for the arts in 2013. greenlief asked la rocco to provide text for his map score QUARTET, and the work was performed at the center for new music on their best coast composer's series in september 2013. this initial collaboration inspired them to form the project animals & giraffes, an ever-changing ensemble exploring improvisation with artists from different disciplines.​


animals & giraffes was ensemble in residence at the center for new music (SF) from october 2017 - october 2018, where they performed two interdisciplinary concerts and engaged in monthly "improv happy hour" sessions with various bay area improvisers from music, dance, literature, and the visual arts.


animals & giraffes have performed at pieter (los angeles), the scottsdale museum of contemporary art, the lab (SF), the outsound new music summit, and reed college (portland). they have produced two CDs - JULY, released on the edgetone records label (bay area) and LANDLOCKED BEACH on creative sources (portugal). 


look for animals & giraffes newest release - LIVE AT MEDICINE FOR NIGHTMARES - featuring kyle bruckmann (oboe, english horn, electronics), alexandra buschman (voice, electronics) and adriana camacho torres (contrabass). recorded by phil perkins, artwork by teresa baker, design by sally gates.

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animals and giraffes with karen stackpole and john bischoff @the lab - 2015

JULY - the first recording from animals & giraffes features small groupings with many of the san francisco bay area's finest improvisers: david boyce, evelyn davis, aurora josephson, tim perkis, jon raskin, and karen stackpole.

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                             to purchase, go to STORE



is pulled from a 3-hour live radio broadcast on KPFA's OVER THE EDGE show on march 10th, 2017. it features a&g with jon leidecker (live sampling, electronics, voice) and special guest thomas dimuzio. leidecker edited the broadcast into one 73-minute track


to purchase, go to STORE

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